This has been a helluva year. I’m not one for resolutions, but on the start of our aching planet making another trip around our beautiful sun I do have some reflections. Take from them what you will.
Be present in the moment with friends and loved ones. Always.
Choose experiences over things. Choose people every time.
Listen to those with something to say.
Listen especially to those who are struggling to be heard.
Don’t fret for the world. It will keep turning. You may not be able to fix it, but you can make your corner of it better.
Make people smile. Make people laugh. Share it with them.
Be compassionate with others. None of us would do well if judged on our worst moments.
Get somewhere far away and gaze up at the night sky. It is brilliant and full of wonder, and it is good to remember that there is always light in the darkness.
Make music, write poetry, create art. Do it for yourself.
Tend to your aches for the ones you’ve lost, but warm yourself on the joy of having had them in your life.
If you know someone worth hugging, hug them. This is not a thing for half-measures.
Look in the mirror and tell the person staring back that you love them.
Play games with friends.
Read books.
Take off your pants.
Boop noses.
Be gentle with yourself.
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