In the past year I’ve gone through more career and personal changes than I have in decades, driven largely by my renewed interest in writing, yet have been unable to find time to write about them. I suppose this could be ironic, but it’s just annoying.
The most significant of these recently is that I left Intel after nine years of employment to try something new. Why would anyone be stupid enough to leave the stability of a behemoth like Intel to take a gamble in our current economy?  The answer is in the question.
Intel was good to me. I had my beefs with the culture at times, but they gave me incredible opportunity and tolerated all sorts of shenanigans on my part. Its open and direct culture really allows a lot of leeway for those willing to take it. I also had a great team that I genuinely enjoyed working with, and in the end it is the people at Intel I will miss the most.
In the end, I am someone who likes to try new things. Wondering if I can’t do something is a personal incentive for me to get out and try it.¬† I’ve learned an enormous amount about blogging, social media, writing, events, and a crazy salad of community topics that I’ve been itching to trying out on my own. Ignite Phoenix had grown from a quirky session in a downtown conference room to a theater sized event in downtown Tempe in less than a year. ImprovAZ has taken off strong, getting lots (perhaps too much) coverage in local media. I’m part of a non-profit Phoenix Innovation Foundation that is getting started, and working on the Phoenix chapter of the Social Media Club.
I had been planning to work on developing my own effort – Improv Media – as my source of income while I developed my community efforts, but an opportunity presented itself I could not pass up.¬† Sitewire Solutions, a Tempe based marketing company run by two old friends and colleagues from my days at MicroAge, made me an offer to come in and help them ramp up in social media. So about half my time will be going to Sitewire, and the rest will be going to Ignite Phoenix, ImprovAZ, and many of my other local projects. Yes, somehow I’m managing to make money doing what I love… and it’s kind of freaking me out.
The other thing freaking me out is my lack of writing. I need to get back on the writing horse, for my own sanity at least. I love writing, and may have an opportunity to do quite a bit of it in the near future so had better get the rust off the engine. Most of it will likely happen on Writing is Cake and my Improv Media site. This one will just be for personal random silliness, which of course you are welcome to read, but isn’t on the regular update schedule at the moment.
I want to thank all the people who have sent me emails, DMs, and comments since I left Intel. Also thanks to Pam, Havi, Naomi, and all the other people I mentioned at Improv Media. I want to give a special shout to Heath “The Heat” Buckmaster, who was not only a regular ear for writing topics while I was at Intel, but has kept after me in the comments to get the lead out on my blogs. Heath’s become a blogging, book writing, and Tweeting machine, and I genuinely appreciate all his nagging.
The future is exciting again, just like it used to be!
I’m proud and envious of you, both at the same time. Thanks for being involved, thanks for giving and thanks for helping to inspire the rest of us to be better.
Yay for you Jeff!! I hear ya on the Intel comments. It’s truly remarkable that you have managed to get paid for doing what you love!! Congrats! And I’m so happy to have another Heath Buckmaster cheerleader in the mix! 😉
Being one of those Intel folks – I am very happy for you. You were awesome to work with…
You followed your passion and that is rare.
Thanks for pushing me!
I am both humbled and humiliated by your mention of me on this blog.
I would, however, like to thank Google Alerts for letting me know that someone was talking about me. Because frankly I’d given up hope of you ever writing anything here ever again :-).
Much love Jeffie and we miss you bunches and bunches!
Seriously, Richard misses you terribly, with me coming in a close second.
I’m woefully late to this party (was on vacation), but hearty congrats. A great fit, and a great opportunity. Happy for you, and the Sitewire team.