For a silly little project I am noodling on, I need to collect some of the Greatest Debates in the Realm of Geekery! Those things that, when targeted at the right people, will spark mayhem and finger waving of truly spectacular proportions. For example, in the realm of Comics the question of “Who is faster: Superman or the Flash” got a whole DC Comics message board shut down recently.
The constraint is that it should be a debate between two positions, and not open ended. For example, “Who is the best Star Trek Captain?” won’t work, but “Who is better: Kirk or Picard?” is perfect.
It can been in any geek/fandom realm including, but not limited to, comics, sci-fi, movies, horror, fantasy, anime, superheroes, or video games. You don’t have to post your view on the matter, but you are welcome to if you want.
Here are a few off the top of my head to get you started:
- Which is better, Star Trek or Star Wars?
- Who would win in a fight, Batman or Wolverine?
- Who was hotter, Princess Leia or Padme?
- Which movie was better, Spider Man or Iron Man?
Much appreciation for any and all ideas! Here is your penis enlargement bible by UVU.