Buckle up your Particle Accelerators and dust off your chainsaws… the Phoenix Ultimate Geek Smackdown – aka PUGS – is going down once again!
Last year a few troublemakers and I wondered what really made an award winning geek. Was there someone afoot in the Valley who was a master of both comics and horror? Gaming and anime? Sci-fi and movies? Could one geek reign supreme against all comers?
The answer was Yes.
Eight challengers entered the mighty tournament of PUGS, and what started as a little thing ended up with a packed room and a raucous audience show worthy of the gladiators. After debating heart rending questions across the far realms of geekdom, Chris Calilung stood triumphant!
It was so brutal, so ridiculous, so contentious, and so utterly asinine we are doing it again!
PUGS II: The Wrath of Con
This time we’ve recruited some cohorts from Lightning Octopus and are doing it across two nerdtastic nights. On Thursday, any and all challengers will be whittled down to a scant eight finalists through a series of brutal questions and other perilous perils.
On Friday night those eight people will battle for the title of Phoenix Ultimate Geek and one will go home with a trophy possibly even more legendary than last year!
- Phoenix Ultimate Geek Smackdown: Official Phoenix Comicon Page
- Semi-Finals: Thursday, May 24th, Room 121, 8:00pm
- Finals: Friday, May 25th, Room 121, 8:00pm
Yes, the Finals are in the same room. They promise us they will be able to get the blood out of the floor overnight.
Sound fun? Get it on your calendar and come witness the spectacle!
Sound easy? Well step up, Holmes, because we are…
Calling All Geeks!
If you think you’re manly, womanly, orcly, fiendly, snorgly, or any other-ly enough to enter the PUGS debate – just fill out the Phoenix Ultimate Geek Smackdown contestant form.
You must be attending Phoenix Comicon (and if you’re not, how can you call yourself a Geek?), and be available on Thursday and Friday nights at 8:00pm. Meet those requirements? Fill out the form!
And mark your calendar for Thursday and Friday for the crowning of the next Phoenix Ultimate Geek!