This afternoon I will be attending the wedding of a female friend to her female partner. It’s the first time I’ve been to such a ceremony, and it makes me sad that it stands out.
From everything I’ve seen, these two ladies just love the hell out of each other. They are absolutely adorable together, and have a wonderful set of hopes, dreams, pet nicknames, habits, challenges, and plans. They have much more going for them than many other couples I’ve met, married or not. They want to spend their lives together.
So I’m going to get out my fancypants and go celebrate with them. I love this part, and I’m touched they would ask me to be a part of it. But the legality of their union is sadly still a debated issue. The horrible affront of this topic enrages many. This baffles and saddens me beyond any ability I have to articulate.
Why is this a “gay” marriage? Marriage has evolved into a legal institution, but at its heart isn’t marriage an expression of love and dedication between two people? Of what possible relevance is their gender? Nonetheless, these two wonderful people have to have a separate service away from their friends and family to make it “official”, as the most they can do in Arizona is have a celebration.
It’s bullshit. This celebration is much more precious and dear than the paperwork they may achieve at the end of any legal and religious hoops. What they have together, no legal wrangling can take away.
They are two people who love each other, and that should always be enough.
Enjoy the wedding and I wish your friends the very best of happiness. That’s all most people are after..a little peace and a little happiness. I wish them well and wish for others to mind their business for a change.-):
Hear hear! I couldn’t have said it better myself. It just sickens me when people try to tell other people how to live and love.
I’m just now seeing this, Jeff. Wow. I’m very touched that you wrote this, and I’m glad you could be there to celebrate with us. We need more like you on our side. 🙂