Last week while I was at the Taser International offices, they said they would be willing to tase me if I wanted to know what it was like. I knew right away I had to try this out, and a quick poll on Twitter confirmed this should happen.
None of my coworkers were willing to give it a try, so I was doing it solo. They were very willing to take pictures and the video below. I was nervous, which they didn’t help by informing me they would be using their top of the line law enforcement X26 model taser. This thing looks all business, and fires two unfriendly looking probes into the target to transmit the electricity. Lucky me, I was gonna get the full show.
I took off my dress shirt so it wouldn’t get punctured by the probes, and put on mandatory protective eyewear just in case a probe went wild. Two people held my arms to lower me down, and one of their certified trainers got ready behind me. That leads into…
Given how some people handle being tasered, I think I did rather well. Not much I can add about the experience that isn’t in the video – very intense, like a massive charlie horse across your entire body.
The coin they gave me is pretty slick, and I kept the cartridge with the probes. It really didn’t bother me that much when they yanked them out, but it’s probably a good thing I didn’t look at them too closely beforehand. They look like little harpoons.
Why would you get tased?
After it was over they asked if I was an adrenaline junkie since I didn’t really scream or swear. I’m not addicted to adrenaline, but I am addicted to trying new things and having new experiences. Here was a chance to try something everyone knows about but few people have experienced, in about the safest way possible. Painful, sure, but now I know things about tasers (and myself) that I didn’t know before.
Why did you want to do this? I can think of a lot of things to do for the experience instead of that. But that’s my boy.
~ from my mother after seeing the video
I believe life is meant to be lived and explored in all the strange ways you can find it. I love problems that I haven’t solved, and things I haven’t done. I don’t always have an end goal, and often the exploration itself is enough. About the only thing I’m really scared of is losing that interest, and no longer wanting to try anything new.
“Life is meant to be lived.” Absolutely!!
I’m surprised no one else from your group wanted to have the experience. I would have done it in a heartbeat. Can your friends at Taser International hook me up?
I’ve had a few people ask that. Maybe I’ll ask them if they would be willing to tase a bunch of bloggers and get their feedback. Might be an interesting approach for them.
Jeff, if they have a presence in Australia I’ll gladly volunteer!
I’ll make the video of Dennis getting zapped!
I say you work this into the improv az stuff. tazer day on the light rail. oh the hilarity that would ensue.